Jimba starts 11 November at 10:00 CEST! - Make sure you check out our main site for the latest news!


IP: Jimba.pl

Client: 13.40

Server Info: Click here

Server restart for:


Social Media

Discord Channel Jimba OTS


VIP Benefits GIF
15% more: exp, skill, loot

Vip have available autoloot

Vip town with custom exp, tps

More shops for vip

By purchasing a VIP account, you support the server and its further development

Bosses: The Count of the Core, Ghazbaran, Morgaroth, Omrafir, Orshabaal

Bosses: Bakragore, Murcion, Ichgahal, Vemiath

Weekend Event

bestiaryKillMultiplier = 5, bosstiaryKillMultiplier = 5, bestiaryRateCharmShopPrice 0.4, boostedBossLootBonus = 300


Jan 26 2025 - 25.01.2025 Update

Hello Players,

January 25, 2025, at 19:00 an update was released.

In today's update, we have added Rotten Blood, various server mechanics, anti-logout protection, protection against random kicks, and improvements to quest mechanics.

ADDITIONALLY, every day at 22:02, a random boss, known as the BOSS EVENT, appears north of the temple in Thais.

Recently, many things have been improved, and all reports have been taken into account. Monsters in tasks will be added on an ongoing basis.

Best regards, Jimba

Cześć Gracze,

25.01.2025 o godzinie 19:00 został pograny Update.

W dzisiejszym update dodaliśmy Rotten Blood, różne mechaniki serwera, zabezpieczenia przed antilogiem, zabezpieczenia przed randomowym kickiem, poprawę mechanik questów.

DODATKOWO, codziennie o godzinie 22:02 pojawia się random boss, tzw. BOSS EVENT, na północ od świątyni w Thais.

W ostatnim czasie dużo rzeczy zostało poprawionych i wszystkie raporty zostały wzięte pod uwagę. Potwory w taskach będą dodawane na bieżąco.

Pozdrawiam, Jimba

Jan 13 2025 - Boost Event and Boss Event

Hello players,

Today an uncomfortable situation occurred for both you and me. Due to a power outage in my apartment, the server was down for 8 hours. As compensation for this situation, I am adding an exp boost until January 19, 2025, and introducing a BOSS EVENT every day at 10:00, 15:00, and 22:00.

I am updating everything continuously. Please use Ctrl + Z as usual.


Dec 06 2024 - Event

Dear Jimbanians,

December 6th is St. Nicholas Day, so starting today until the end of the holidays, you can find our Santa Claus in various locations. At the moment, he is in the city of Thais. For the past week, and still ongoing, White Deers have been dropping Santa Tokens – 12 Santa Tokens can be exchanged for a rare present. Simply write to Santa: *santa token*, and he will give you a present for 12 tokens.

Jimba Event

Exp * 1.3

Loot x5

Skill * 1.4

This event is active for the near future and will end on Sunday at 10:00 PM.

Over the past week, several server mechanics have been improved, and new commands and locations have been added.

Best regards,


Dec 01 2024 - Update V1.1

Hello players,

As you already know, or maybe not yet, server updates will now be done every Sunday during the restart at 10:00 PM.
• This allows me to gather more things and complete them at once.
• The ctrl + z report system is still active, as well as reports via private messages on Discord.
• Reports in private game messages will not be considered.
• Since the ctrl + z reports are saved in files, I can always refer back to them.
• Reports must be made in such a way that if something doesn’t work, you need to explain what and how it doesn’t work, which will help resolve the issue faster.

With today’s restart, we are adding:
• Fixed and modified Task System. After joining the game, simply type !task, and the task book will appear in your mailbox in the depot.
• A book in the Thais temple quest with server commands.
• The command !emote on/off (related to spells).
• Several items requested by you added for sale at NPCs, such as Royal Almandine, Boar Man Hoof, Watermelon Tourmaline, and Spectral Bolts at Matijas.
• New items from arrow rewards for completing tasks: Starlight Vial, Moon Mirror, Sun Catcher, and Blossom Bag.
• Fixes for the winter update on the map in Thais, including visual bugs.
• Event with White Deers, which can drop Santa Tokens. These tokens can be exchanged starting December 6th at Santa for Mystery Boxes. Rewards will be announced soon.
• Increased damage from the spell exevo mas san.
• A few other minor adjustments.

The next update is scheduled for December 8, 2024.
• Lastly, I want to thank you for your support and kind words.
• I may not always be able to do everything immediately, but I always take your suggestions into account.

Best regards,

Your Jimba

Nov 27 2024 - Server Update V.1

Hello players,

Over the last three weeks, a lot has happened. Here are the most important changes and fixes:

• Fixed some quests, map bugs, everything reported by you, except for Roten Blod (we need to hold off on this for a bit).
• Increased attack from *exevo mas san* (cosmetic adjustment).
• Reduced tier requirements.
• Added teleport cube.
• Added task system (currently under editing and will be finalized by 30.11.2024).
• Added a message window upon entering the game.
• Added in-game messages (server info, top players).
• All lotteries completed.
• Fixed and added some NPCs.
• Minimized bestiary requirements.
• Increased respawn to 1.1.
• Guild creation available on the website.
• Improved website, windows, and CSS layout.
• Added commands: !reward, !soft, !outfit.
• Added stamina doll.
• Fixed bug with exercise weapons.
• Fixed bug causing server crashes (one crash occurred on 15.11.2024 at 21:23).
• Cosmetic map changes.
• Added NPCs: Addoner, Backpack Seller, Buyer (for VIP).
• Increased drop rate of dusts from monsters and added more monsters with dusts and fields.
• Boss levers fixed and a 20-hour cooldown added for re-attacking bosses.
• Removed mechanic from Goshnar's - SoulWar.
• Lion Commander HP increased to 22k.
• Divine Caldera reinforced again.
• Royal Almandine added to NPC Hannah.
• Removed requirement for 4 players for Annihilator and some Ferumbras Ascendant bosses.
• Changed server restart time to 22:00.
• Security enhancements have been implemented on the website, and the site is now hosted separately from the game server to ensure smoother gameplay.

Thanks to your support, an advertisement was purchased on Otservlist with yellow highlighting.

I hope you're enjoying the game, and it will only get better!

Your Jimba

Nov 10 2024 - Start

Hello, Jimba.pl is officially launching very soon. The Exp stages have been updated, and you can check them out in the server info section on the website.

Since you've all been waiting so long for the launch, we are holding our first contest: the person who reaches the highest level by tomorrow at 10:00 PM will receive a White Lion Doll from me. There will be 3 dolls given away tomorrow.

There will also be other contests throughout tomorrow, which will occur every 1-3 hours, so it's worth staying online. For any bugs, please report them with the command ctrl + z. Fixing bugs is my priority right now. I also thank you for every purchase made in the shop.

Your Jimba